5 Heating Options To Keep Your Home Warm

Make sure to get annual maintenance on your HVAC systems to uphold your warranties.

5 Heating Options To Keep Your Home Warm

5 Heating Options To Keep Your Home Warm

5 November 2019
, Blog

Selecting a heating method for your home can be overwhelming if you don't know much about your options. Here is more information about four different heating methods so you can select the best one for your needs.

Forced Air

Many homes used forced-air systems because the equipment and ductwork can also work for cooling as well. This cuts down on the cost of installing the system and makes it affordable to install

However, forced-air heating systems tend to move dust, dander, and allergens into the air by the nature of being forced-air systems. It is also recommended to pair the system with a whole-home humidifier to help prevent the air from becoming too dry. 

Steam Radiators

Steam radiators are a cost-effective way to heat your home and offer control over which rooms have heat. You can turn these systems on and off in each room of the house, but you have no control over the temperature of the heat produced. This still gives you more control than some other heating methods.

Using a steam radiator means that the heating system won't move the air around in your home. You'll also need a separate cooling system if your home needs it, which can add to the cost of heating and cooling.

Radiant Heat

You cannot beat the comfort that radiant heat provides to a home since the heat is evenly distributed through pipes that are underneath your floors. While there are systems that use electric coils, a hydronic-powered system is much more energy-efficient due to the way that hot water retains heat. Radiant heat also offers temperature control for individual zones to provide maximum comfort and energy efficiency.

Radiant heat systems are best installed during new home construction. Otherwise, it is incredibly expensive to retrofit a home with a hydronic system. Electric radiant heat can be easily retrofitted in single rooms or additions that are in need of a heat source

Baseboard Heat

Baseboard heating systems also provide control of heat that is in each room of your home. Electric baseboard panels can even offer temperature controls for individual rooms, which other systems lack. Hot water baseboard heat can also be used, but it requires a boiler to be installed to heat the water. 

The biggest problem with baseboard heat is that the large panels can't have furniture in front of them so that the heat can be distributed much better to a room.

For more information on your options, contact a company that offers heating services.

About Me
It's More Important Than You Think

I used to routinely get calls from HVAC contractors in my area offering annual maintenance contracts. As soon they would identify themselves, I would quickly say no thank you and hang up. After all, my heating and cooling system was working fine. Why would I spend money on services I clearly didn't need? Boy was I wrong! A few years ago, my AC unit suddenly stopped working. I called my HVAC contractor to have it repaired and assumed that my warranty would pick up the bill. That was until I learned my warranty was voided due to a lack of maintenance. Out of nowhere, my decision to ignore those maintenance calls was about to cost me more than a $1,000. I know there are others out there like me. It is my hope that this site will provide them with the knowledge they need to avoid the mistakes I made.
