It's More Important Than You Think

Make sure to get annual maintenance on your HVAC systems to uphold your warranties.

It's More Important Than You Think

Four Steps For Better Air Conditioning

15 June 2017
, Blog

Heating and cooling have been around for many decades, but many homeowners still don't quite understand how their air conditioners work or how to get the most out of them. Simply turning down the temperature on your thermostat will surely result in a cooler home, but if you want your home to cool off as efficiently and evenly as possible, it helps to know a bit more than that. Here are four steps to a more comfortable home without such a high price tag.
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Identifying A Hot Water Heater Leak

5 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Few things have the ability to wreak havoc on the structural integrity of a home like a water leak. Hot water heater tanks play a vital role in ensuring that your home has access to a constant supply of hot water, but these appliances can also serve as a source of water leaks over time. If you notice water pooling around your hot water heater, here are two potential leak sources to examine so that you can address the leak before it has the chance to cause mold, mildew, or rot.
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Four Tips For Checking For Air Leaks In Your Home

18 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Before the summer or winter seasons arrive, it's highly suggested that you check for air leaks in your home. This way, you know what areas need to be sealed. Checking for air leaks is fairly simple. Here are four tips to help you check for them in your home: Use Incense: Using incense is a great way to check for air leaks in your home. Simply follow where the smoke from the incense is leading out.
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Five Tips For Installing A Furnace In Your Attic

7 April 2017
 Categories: , Articles

If you're installing a new furnace and you're thinking about putting it in the attic of your home, there are several things you need to consider. Before doing a DIY installation, you may want to check out the following tips to ensure that the furnace is safe and efficient. These ideas can also help you hone in on concerns or questions if you are having a professional handle the job for you.
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Tips For Keeping Mold Spores Out Of Your HVAC System

14 March 2017
 Categories: , Articles

If you have an HVAC system with mold inside the ducts, then spores will be forced into your home when the heating or cooling system turns on. This can cause respiratory issues for individuals who have allergy or asthma concerns. Mold can and should be cleaned out of the ductwork with the assistance of an HVAC cleaning service. Once the cleaning is completed, there are several things you should do to keep the mold at bay.
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About Me
It's More Important Than You Think

I used to routinely get calls from HVAC contractors in my area offering annual maintenance contracts. As soon they would identify themselves, I would quickly say no thank you and hang up. After all, my heating and cooling system was working fine. Why would I spend money on services I clearly didn't need? Boy was I wrong! A few years ago, my AC unit suddenly stopped working. I called my HVAC contractor to have it repaired and assumed that my warranty would pick up the bill. That was until I learned my warranty was voided due to a lack of maintenance. Out of nowhere, my decision to ignore those maintenance calls was about to cost me more than a $1,000. I know there are others out there like me. It is my hope that this site will provide them with the knowledge they need to avoid the mistakes I made.
